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Pregnancy and Dental Appointments

One of our patients called us last week to see if it was OK to have her teeth cleaned while she was pregnant. Not only is it great to do so; it is strongly recommended to actually come in every three months instead of the more customary 6 month cleaning interval. Many women do not recognize the importance of dental care during pregnancy and therefore do not seek it. Not enough obstetric providers incorporate discussions of oral health care into their practices. Some dentists even fear treating pregnant patients because of misconceptions regarding safety. An evolving body of evidence shows that dental care is not only safe during pregnancy but can prevent long-term health problems for both the mother and growing child. A great resource for any questions that you may have can be found on the Connecticut State Dental Association’s website:

Just copy and paste the url to your browser and you will see it listed on their Member Announcements section. It even has a great page regarding medications during pregnancy. Pass this blog (and our business card:) along to someone you know!

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