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Fixing Chipped Teeth West Chester, PA

Did you Know Fixing Chipped Teeth Can Actually Lead to Your Dream Smile?

Dr. Dave Patient Dentist West Chester, PA Chipped teeth, although rarely painful, can become problematic when left untreated. Plus, many people who fall victim to a chipped tooth don’t like the way it affects their smile. Fixing chipped teeth is usually an easy process that helps ensure you don’t run into any oral health issues. But, it can also give you a smile that you’re truly happy with!

At Chester County Family Dentistry we offer several remedies to help fix chipped and cracked teeth. Keep reading to learn more about how to improve chipped teeth, and in doing so, achieve a beautiful smile makeover.

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Why It’s Worth Looking Into Fixing Chipped Teeth

West Chester, PA Dental Assistant in West Chester, PA Teeth can chip for any number of reasons. For, example, one wrong bite on hard candy or a piece of ice may do the trick. But, there are other factors that can contribute to teeth chipping, which include:

From time to time, Dr. David Montgommery and Dr. Ryan Dunn have a patient who wants to know the benefit of fixing a chipped tooth. If it’s not painful or isn’t in a place where you can see it, who cares … right? The problem with leaving a chipped tooth alone is that you don’t truly know the extent of the damage to the tooth enamel or root/nerve—only a dentist can appropriately advise you based on the results of dental imaging.

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Difference Between Chipped and Cracked Teeth

Dental Hygienist & Dental Assistant in West Chester, PA Just as there are several ways a tooth can chip, there are also different degrees of damage. When your dentist examines your chipped tooth (or teeth) he will assess whether there has actually been a chip, or a more severe crack in the tooth.

Generally, you will know if a tooth has cracked because you will experience:

As we mentioned earlier, while most people do not experience pain from chipped teeth, they may notice that the look and feel of their natural teeth is noticeably different. This all depends on the extent of damage and location of the “chip.” These factors will also dictate what type of treatment your dentist recommends.

Assessing Degrees of Damage to Determine Treatment

Dental Office Financial Coordinator in West Chester, PA Sometimes, if a tooth has only been mildly damaged, let’s say a “minor chip,” your dentist may simply be able to polish and smooth the area. In the case of a moderate-sized chip, which may mean the tooth enamel has been subject to damage, your dentist may recommend a filling or crown. This ensures that the tooth remains protected from potential infection and any future problems.

Larger chips in the teeth that expose the nerve of your tooth may need a more extensive dental procedure to fix. Your dentist may want to perform a root canal before placing a restorative option (such as a crown).

But, whether one tooth or a few teeth have been chipped or cracked, there are additional issues to consider prior to opting for a specific dental treatment plan.

Looking at the Whole Picture (or Smile)

West Chester, PA Exterior Photo Although you may not initially think to consult with a cosmetic dentist when a tooth chips or cracks, there are several cosmetic dentistry options to help improve the appearance of your entire smile. Think of your chipped tooth as an invitation to the perfect smile! If you also have discolored, misshapen, or crooked teeth it may be time to think about the following restorations.

How Do You Know Which Option is Best for You?

Certified Dental Assistant with Dentist Dr. Ryan in West Chester, PA

The best way to know which restorative dental procedure is best for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Montgomery or Dr. Dunn. With combined decades of experience in addressing chipped and cracked teeth, our expert CCFD dentists will be able to help you find a customizable solution that works best for you!

Schedule a consultation now. Or, call one of our CCFD team members today with any questions you may have.
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