We all have been affected by diabetes in some way; friends, family members, perhaps even yourself. With tremendous advances in science and patient education, self-management has become almost routine.Dash_For_Diabetes_2010_006 However, we should not allow this to change our approach to this all-too-common disease. When left under- or even untreated, diabetes has some very serious consequences. When we moved into the North Hills Building in 2007, we became neighbors with the Chester County Hospital Development office as well as the Diabetes Management Center; both of whom are instrumental in helping county residents live with this challenge. Given the strong connection between oral health and diabetes management, we felt that we needed to take up the cause of improving awareness as well as financially supporting the services that Chester County Hospital provides.
Each fall we have a table with educational pamplets and dental hygiene aides at their Diabetes Day event and each spring we sponsor and participate in the Dash 4 Diabetes. http://www.cchosp.com/cchpage.asp?p=654 Please be sure to let diabetic friends and family know about these events so that they can benefit. Congratulations to this year’s Dash winners but especially to all of those who helped raise awareness for this cause.
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2010 Dash 4 Diabetes