Dentist Office Exton Trusts
The Dentist Office Exton Parents Trust
If you’ve been anywhere near a TV or the internet over the past year or so (2018-2019), you will have heard at least the phrase “opioid epidemic” (if nothing further than that.)
Sadly, as the result of the over prescribing of certain painkillers, whole generations of Americans have seen the insidious increase of addiction. And many of these addictions have resulted in deathly overdoses.
Every dentist office Exton has, should be cognizant of this serious epidemic and the fact that dentist offices can be on the front lines of preventing addiction. And every family that visits a dentist in Exton, PA can become educated about how these addictions often begin.
A Dentist Office in Exton Teaches Safe Pain Management
According to the New York Times, the biggest prescriber of opioids to young people (ages 10-19,) are oral surgeons and dentists. This should concern any dentist office Exton trusts.
Dealing with pain, particularly after more invasive dental procedures, is important. But it is crucial to do so in a wise manner, keeping the prescription of opioids to a minimum.
If you are a parent of a child who will be undergoing a dental procedure that may require subsequent pain management, here are a few things to discuss with your Exton dental care physician:
5 Vital Questions to Ask Your Dentist about Pain Management

- Following this procedure, what can I do to help alleviate my child’s pain without a heavy-duty pain medicine?
- In my child’s case, would an oral analgesic help with pain relief?
- Could you tell me more about the combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen?
- If a prescription pain medicine is necessary, how can I make sure my child is not on it for too long?
- How can I help wean my child off pain medication when the medicine is no longer necessary?
If you go to the dentist office Exton trusts, they will walk you through the best options for yourself, a child, or a spouse in all dental procedure situations. If for some reason they can’t, it would be best for you and your family to find a dentist office that keeps their patients informed.
Chester County Family Dentistry takes its patients well-being seriously. Give us a call for any of your Exton dental care needs.